Thursday, June 7, 2012

Shoutout to all the Annoying Couples

An Annoying Couple(AC) can be defined as two individuals who consistently go out of their way to show the world over facebook, blackberry messenger statuses and twitter how much they love each other. Their sole purpose is to ensure that YOU, yes YOU are made aware of their undying "love" every 10 minutes of the day. I implore each and every one of you to go out there and find your very own Annoying Couple.Add them on BBM, find them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter! This is very important, as I will now disclose how these idiotic expressions of love will indeed be moving this country forward. 

In the run up to the South African presidential election campaign, there are many issues which need to be addressed, one of the most contentious challenges is that of unemployment amongst the youth. The country is rife with unplanned teenaged pregnancy and the number of young people who are dropping out of school to support their new families are on the rise. Now I am not suggesting that I am indeed a political socioeconomic genius, but problems such as this require drastic and innovative solutions. The key to prosperity lies in the hands of ACs. They are doing a great service to the country as they forgo their constitutional rights to privacy and dignity in order to illustrate and characterize a play by play view of arbitrary co-dependent attention seeking approval needing superficial relationships. 

Now some of you might be questioning how exactly a AC can be identified, below I have listed two key characteristics which may aid you in your search;

The "I'm so deep because I have song lyrics as Profile Pictures" Annoying Couple:

ACs have a unique ability to express their feelings to one another not through speech but through the use of highly advanced lyrics imposed onto sombre hipsterish backgrounds.One can always assess the mood of each AC by studying the content of each profile picture and the frequency at which it changes.

Like OMG...thats sooooo Deep
So keep an eye out for couples who vicariously communicate their passive aggression for one another through quotes by Drake and Lil Wayne. 

The "I"m in a relationship, so I must be Shakespeare" Annoying Couple:

Einstein + Shakespeare= Anonymous individual who might or might not be named Chad Fourie

Recent studies in neuroscience have indicated that as people fall in love, the brain consistently releases a certain set of chemicals, including pheromones, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, which act in a manner similar to amphetamines, stimulating the brain's pleasure center and leading to side effects such as increased heart rate, loss of appetite and sleep, and an intense feeling of excitement.

The feeling of love has inspired many prolific writers such as Oscar Wilde, Shakespeare,John Keats and many more. It has been a great pleasure of mine to come into contact with one of Cape Towns most prolific AC poet, he has disgraced the sanctum of manhood and for that reason would like to remain anonymous, so for the purpose of anonymity I shall refer to him as Chad Fourie. 

Below, are some of the great Masterpiece Facebook Statuses by "Chad Fourie";

* "When the eagles forgot how to fly and its 20 below in July and when violets turn red and the roses turn blue ill still be in love with you." 

* "I never knew such a day would come and I never knew such a love could be inside one. I never knew what my life was for now that you're here I know for sure......Can I just see you every morning when I open my eyes :-) "

* "I know the way I feel for you will never pass, oh yes its going to stand the test of time. So your search for love is about to end, your future holds a place where true love begins"

* "Is all for one person in the world ........The key is yours.....You own the treasure chest....Keep it close to you :P"

* "I love you, ill love you all along...I miss are far away for too long..I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go :).....I stop breathing when I do not see you anymore"

* "I want you to know , that if I could fly, I would pick you up into the night and show you love like you never seen,everseen!!!!" 


*   "Gosh seeing you makes all other beauty in the world seem as if they're all different shades of grey while you stick out like a kaleidoscope of all colours in the world.....a Kaleidoscope of Awesomeness"

.......Yes...he said Kaleidoscope of Awesomeness..........

After many months of research it has been discovered that for every 1 post, status update and tweet  made by an AC, 10 young individuals pick up a textbook to improve their chances of finding more intellectually meaningful and rewarding relationships.

That's a 1:10 ratio people. We need to do this not only for ourselves...but for the children...

Viva la Revolution !



  1. Some men find different ways of expressing themselves and its not always annoying when someone posts on fb how they feel. Perhaps that is their way of showing how they feel. Ive met Chad Fourie recently and he made quite an impression. charming guy, his statuses indeed a representation of who he is. Roooomance lol. x

  2. Hilarious view. Im an AC who tries to make singles feel uncomfortable in public. Your piece made me laugh for dayz! Well done

  3. Original blog, Probably written by a lonely white guy lol
