Thursday, August 11, 2011

Field Report # 1 :The British Chick


* Bandit
* The Operator


* The Sunny Club for Shady People...Atlantic Seaboard 


* "Miss My Flight"....Cape Town CBD


The Atlantic Seaboard is a supreme location for meeting very high quality women. This time of the year is particularly special because one sees a migration of foreigners blessing our shores with their deep need for tanning and debauchery. Myself and The Operator entered the venue and ordered the most feminine drink at the bar.  Flavored rums and vodkas,and strawberry daiguiri's are the usual ingredients. These are used as conversational pieces and not for actual consumption...cause that's just plain queer.  


A group of 2 girls and one guy caught our attention and the game was on. Common sense tells us that this is an ideal group to approach for one of five reasons 1) The guy is obviously with only one of the girls 2) The other girl is either his relative 3) The other chick could be her best friend 4) The chick feels like a bit of a third wheel tagging along whilst being in the awkward space of watching her friend all over a guy whole night and 5) The guy would be keen to have someone keep his girls best friend busy if he decides that he wants to go back to her place. 


I would usually be the one to initiate the conversation with the group, and The Operator would come in later to keep the group busy whilst I isolate the chick I wanted to...ummm..get to know...yeah..

It was still very early in the evening so a situational opener was ideal...As I was making my way to where they were, I began thinking up some solid routines to implement. Just then. I made eye-contact with the third wheel chick, As soon as that happened I waved in a friendly non threatening way. She smiled aaaaaaand I was IN !

I walked over to her and mentioned that she must be a foreigner because everyone in Cape Town knows that its uncool to get to a club this early. She laughed and as soon as she spoke I noticed that  I was correct .She was a 21 year old surprisingly stunning biochemical student from London, she spoke with a sultry Liz Hurley queens English accent. Her bright green eyes were rather hypnotic and he long blond and brown hair made her look quite exotic for an English bird.She questioned why I was at the club so early if all locals knew it was uncool to do so. I just smirked and told her that I was out to meet some gorgeous foreigners....and if she could be so kind to point some out if she see's any. 

That statement was a typical cocky funny way of disqualifying myself as some random guy who just came over to hit on her. While her head was still reeling from my last statement I leaned over to the guy and introduced myself. It is very important to do this because it is only common courtesy to acknowledge the presence of another male, because if he feels uncomfortable with you around. He can very easily lead the girls away from your company.Another important stage of this interaction was getting to know the social dynamics of the group. This is done by asking the guy how they all know each other. He had informed me that they had just met the two ladies at another venue further down the road. It was then clear to me that the British girl was now fair game because her friend had managed to land a guy and she had failed to do so.

Just then The Operator approached with the two queer drinks and asked loud enough for the rest of the group to hear if I had seen Christine and Robz (Makes them think we were there with girls). He then announced that he felt like a bit of a tool carrying around our girlfriends drinks. He then asked the two ladies if he could put the drinks on their table so that he could maintain his dignity for the rest of the night. They found this very funny and off course allowed him to grab a seat.


Now chatting to foreign women is something I find very interesting. There are always so many topics to cover. British Chick was however very into premier league soccer. This was however a very gray area for me, as she continued to ramble on quickly began to realize that this was a topic I knew absolutely nothing about. So I quickly interrupted her and asked if she had ever had braces on her teeth. She had a quizzical look on her face and before she could answer I announced that I had indeed been to London (Which I have) and I had noticed how aggressive British women are when it comes to attracting the opposite sex. The braces question was just used to completely take her mind away from soccer, and my quick change of topic before her response allowed her to respond to my new question as if it was something we had been speaking about all along. 

The Operator engaged the obstacles, namely the dude and the other chick. I then exclaimed that I thought that is was so unfortunate that she traveled all this way and that she wouldn't be able to dance with me as a result of the fact that British girls were naturally uncoordinated. 

Indicators of interest are things that women sometimes unconsciously do to telegraph their interest or attraction towards you. 

* She kept interrupting her friend to speak to me
* She literally did the splits to show how flexible she was ( I'm not even shitting you..this girl did this!)
* She didn't mind me touching her body as I spoke
* She looked over and giggled to her friend for approval
* She followed me when I would make false attempts to walk away


* Most girls and guys in London loose their virginity at age 14
* British girls have a slight complex about how pale they are
* Most British guy under the age of 25 had slept with over 30 different women
* They really don't dance very well (seen it first hand)
* Pronounce your vowels, she pointed out that many men and women in Cape Town don't pronounce their vowels correctly (My response to this was challenging her to speak in an South African accent..which she failed horribly)


The whole group of us found ourselves on the dance floor. I grabbed her hand and lead her onto the balcony. We grabbed a seat on the couches and I wondered which kiss close routine I haven't tried yet. The Lying Game came to mind.

So this is how it works. You ask her 4 questions and she has to answer by lying to each one of your questions. You say that if you win that you get to kiss her, and if she wins she can have the silly feminine drink you've been carrying around for the last 20minutes. The fun thing about this game is that you cant loose...this is how it works

1) Bandit: Which City are we in?
    British Chick: London
2) Bandit: Where are you from?
    British Chick: Italy
3)Bandit:......Looks confused..thinks...and waits for 5seconds and asks how many questions have been asked? "cause i cant remember"
This is one of the tricks..if she says you had asked 3 questions then you win...However if she's a smart ass like British chick and catches you out and says that you had asked 10 questions, you then laugh and say
4) Bandit: leans over laughs and says "you're such a cheat, have you played this game before????"
To which she responds with a big NOOOOO, cause she wants to win....Then you just point out that the last thing you had asked was the 4th question, she had not lied which means that you WIN !

This is all quite a lot of fun and you immediately make yourself different from any other goon who approached her telling her about how beautiful she is, and how they wanted to buy her a drink...These guys get nowhere and usually end up leaving the club in their million rand cars upset that they had just been out gamed by two students who have nothing but CHARM aaaand CHARISMA to their name..

So did I close the stunning British Chick???....what do you think ;)

@CapeBandit out !

1 comment:

  1. It is very realistic and agree with your post.
    Looking forward what's next. Thanks
